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Motion measurement and patient guidance system

Volfon - Motion analysis application

Home " Volfon - Motion analysis application

As part of a cutting-edge research project into the analysis and measurement of human body movements, tools for the instrumented assessment of human reachable space were designed and assembled. They were then tested on a group of patients in a partner clinic (CHUV). These tools combine several cutting-edge techniques, including "Lighthouse" laser motion measurement technology, adapted into a tool for rapid, fully automated measurement of upper limb movements; and 3D geometric analysis techniques to convert these measurements into a volumetric assessment of space. In addition to the analysis of complex 3D movements, the use of a virtual reality "game" helped patients to relax, while providing precise, repeatable exercise guidance. This guidance was made possible thanks to the HTC Vive virtual reality headset and Unity software created specifically for the project.

Hand trajectory measurement
Trajectories of the right (green, yellow) and left (blue, black) wrists during exploration of the human reachable volume.

In line with good research practice, the recordings were then subjected to statistical analysis and compared with a group of healthy subjects.

Motion measurement and patient guidance system
Motion measurement and patient guidance system

10 healthy laboratory subjects and 16 patients with various pathologies limiting shoulder mobility were tested directly in their GP's consulting room.

The data recorded showed that this new test tool is suitable for use on patients in the hospital setting. The test's repeatability was also verified, indicating excellent results for patients (ICC = 0.91). In addition, the validity of the test was assessed by comparison with numerical simulations under controlled conditions, as well as with similar projects conducted by other research laboratories, showing that actual measurements correspond well to expected values. Finally, several other metrics have been calculated on the basis of these recordings for a more in-depth analysis of patient pathology.

E achievable volumes
The green volume represents the space reachable by the right hand, while the red volume represents the volume reachable by the left hand. Black dots represent positions recorded or interpolated during measurements. The left and right columns compare the results of the same patient measured twice, viewed from different angles...

Project carried out for the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudoise (CHUV).

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